mt. brrrr...aldy.

Found some time and decided to spontaneously head up to Mt San Antonio aka Mt Baldy for a quick overnight trip. With a storm forecasted for the next day, I figured I'd be able to catch the clouds rolling in. Also finally got around to getting a run in with the Osprey Atmos AG 65. In preparation for longer backpacking trips I purposely hauled some extra weight with me (mostly food items, bear can, water, etc) and I have to say that pack does not disappoint!

On the mental side of things, I am realizing how cluttered with thoughts my mind is. Given that it was a weekday, I was the only one on the summit that night, and there was a new degree of solitude and alone-ness that I don't believe I have ever felt. It seems like I have yet to learn, or perhaps, train my mind to be truly at peace. Being alone, without any distractions, my mind wandered with such aimlessness that I almost felt somewhat uncomfortable and unable to focus in the moment. Who am I again? Perhaps this is where I need to find thoughts to meditate and chew on when all else falls away. Thankfully, despite the freezing winds, staring up at the night sky brought on a calming reminder of self and an acknowledgement of place in my life, in others' lives, of experiences and lessons, for those who graciously allow me to be part of their adventures, and for the opportunity to learn so that I may give in return. Perhaps that is a first step.